Credit: Amanda Loman (Cropped from original)

Join today!

Ready to join 4-H? We're so excited to have you! If this is your first time joining, welcome. Your local 4-H Program Coordinator is here to help you find a club, enroll in projects, and sign up for camps, contests and workshops throughout the year.

The 2024-2025 school year is here, and that means the 4-H year is rapidly approaching! The new 4-H year will begin October 1st, and online enrollment will be available the last week of September. Make sure to sign up for our email list to get notified when online enrollment opens.

Photo: Ashton Robertson (Cropped from original)

Where is my nearest Extension Office?

What if there's not a club near me?

What if there's no program in my county?

Can someone help me with 4-HOnline?

I was enrolled last year. Do I have to enroll again this year?

Do I have to join a club to be in 4-H?

Credit: Amanda Loman (Cropped from original)

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