Leadership for the OER site is provided by S. Todd Williver.
Many 4-H’ers participate in various educational, recreational, and competitive opportunities through an array of outdoor activities.
Leadership for this program is provided by S. Todd Williver.
Youth engaged in angler and aquatic education learn fisheries resource stewardship, fishing ethics, casting techniques, tackle crafting, rod building, and much more.
Leadership for this project area is provided by S. Todd Williver.
The 4-H Bicycle Project is a great way to get involved in a fun and active way! You can map your own route to the world of cycling and gain the confidence to navigate whatever comes your way.
Leadership for this project area is provided by S. Todd Williver.
Leader and Member Materials
Available through Shop 4-H. Or, contact your county Extension office for copies.
Based on experiential learning concepts, this innovative team building program is not only fun but has proven results. It can be adapted to fit your team's needs, interests, and outcomes.
Portable Challenge
Leadership for this project area is provided by Woody Davis.
Experience Oregon's natural resources first-hand by navigating the countless miles of OHV trails.
Leadership for this program area is provided by S. Todd Williver.
OHV 4-H club leaders must complete the on-line OPRD eLearning Modules as a prerequisite to hands-on training. Leaders of ATV and SXS clubs must complete hands-on instruction provided by the Oregon ATV Safety Youth Rider Endorsement Program. Leaders of Dirt Bike clubs must complete hands-on instruction provided by the Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association.
eLearning modules are available through rideatvoregon.
OHV Club Leader Training, Saturday, May 22, Ione, OR
Contact S. Todd Williver for ATV, S x S, and Dirt Bike hands-on leader training.
Youth, under the age of 17, riding on Oregon's public lands are required to complete on-line eLearning Modules and hands-on training.
eLearning modules are available through rideatvoregon.
ATV and S x S hands-on training provided by oregonatvsafety.
Dirt Bike endorsement provided by omra.
The Outdoor School Lesson Library is a repository of lesson plans covering the required content areas of plants, animals, soils and water. It is intended for use by teachers, schools, and ESD offering day and resident Outdoor School Programs. This packaging of the 4-H Natural Science content makes it accessible to outdoor school educators.
Leadership for this library is provided by Emeritus Professor Virginia Bourdeau.
Unit 1: Plants Introduction Document
Unit 2 Animals Introduction Document
Unit 3 Soils Introduction Document
Unit 4 Water Introduction Document
In the Shooting Sports project area, youth learn the safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment under the guidance of certified shooting sports leaders.
Leadership for this project area is provided by Todd Williver.
This is a knowledge based event open to all Oregon 4-H members.
Registration is NOW OPEN through Ideal-Logic, the link can be found below. The cost for participation is $10 per person with awards for the Champion and Reserve Champion in each age division (Junior, Intermediate and Senior). Certificates with Blue, Red and White placement will be sent to each participant. Bi-Mart Gift Certificates will be awarded to Champion and Reserve Champion placements.
The quiz will open on January 4th at 12:01am and close at 11:59pm on the 6th. You can take the quiz anytime within that time window. However, you will only have one attempt to take the quiz. Please budget 30 minutes for Juniors and 45-60 minutes for Intermediates and Seniors (there will be 25 questions for Juniors and 50 questions for Intermediates and Seniors) to complete the quiz.
Don't forget the National Shooting Sports Quiz Bowl coming January 16-19, 2023. The study materials are the same. Study materials will be provided in the confirmation email you will receive on the completion of your registration.
Questions? Please contact:
S. Todd Williver
[email protected]
Spirit of the Game – It is not possible to create an online event where participants don’t find ways to “game the system”. This contest is designed to test your knowledge of the specific subject matter – not how well you Google answers. Scoring will be determined by the time it takes you to complete the Quiz and the number of correct answers. Please honor the Spirit of the Game and be respectful of your fellow competitors that are doing the same.
The Mail-In Tournament offers youth (Jr., Int., Sr.) the opportunity to participate in a club based, healthy, competitive environment. The Mail-In Tournament is the qualifying mechanism for the State 4-H Shooting Sports Contest.
Leadership for the Mail-in Tournament is provided by Todd Williver.
Welcome Letter (PLEASE READ)
Monday, June 16 - Wednesday, June 18, 2025
The State Contest consists of four divisions: Archery, Firearms, Hunting Skills, and Western Heritage Project. Youth (9 to 19 years of age) qualify through the Mail-in Tournament.
Leadership for the State Contest is provided by Todd Williver.
The State Contest Registrar is Heather Tower.
Intermediate and Senior youth qualify for the National Championships through the state contest. For more information visit 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships.
The Program Management Guidelines (Policies and Procedures) and supporting materials help 4-H Educators and certified shooting sports leaders manage county programs and club projects.
Many of the publications listed below are available electronically as downloadable PDFs. If you are unable to access these files via computer, please contact your county 4-H office for a hard copy. Some items are only available through your county office.
Level 1 Master Leader Trainings:
Shooting Sports clubs must be led by certified shooting sports leaders. Prospective Leaders must complete the on-line Shooting Sports eLearning Modules as a pre-requisite to certification, the eLearning Modules costs $20 (see link below for module login). Successful completion of discipline training at a statewide workshop is necessary to obtain certification. Trainings are scheduled over a two or three day period, but only one day is required per discipline.
Please contact your local 4-H Office for the registration password.
Schedule: 8:00 am-4:00 pm, each day
Friday, October 25 - Western Heritage
Saturday, October 26 - Archery or Hunting Skills or Pistol (choose one)
Sunday, October 27 - Coordinator or Shotgun or Muzzleloader or Rifle (choose one)
Cost - $90/discipline (includes leader manual and lunch). Registration is open through midnight February 24, 2025. Late registrations will not be accepted and discipline with limited registrations are subject to cancel, so please encourage your volunteers to register early.
Level 2 Trainings:
Oregon has a need to supplement our pool of nationally trained Level 2 Instructors to facilitate statewide training. The upcoming training is TBA. If you are interested in Participating in the Level 2 Training, please contact Todd Williver, [email protected].