Credit: Amanda Loman (Cropped from original)

National Index Study

We would love your help in better understanding 4-H's impact on youth and young adults!

This survey is for 4-H participants ages 13–18 who have been in 4-H for at least one full year. You may have received an email about the survey, been given a flyer, or even asked about it at an event. We're working hard to get 250 responses—last year, we pied a team member in the face for every 50 responses. Who knows what we'll come up with this year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Read through the information below and click "Take The Survey" to answer a few brief questions in Qualtrics. You're helping both Oregon 4-H and 4-H nationwide, and we are so grateful.


Your Oregon 4-H Team

Study Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Youth Assent Information

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